Sunday, April 11, 2010

Beauty Questions

Hi Everyone!

today I'm going to be answering beauty questions.
I got this from a Youtube Guru (not trying to copy)

What time did you do your makeup today?
Ugh early around 6:30
getting ready for school ect.

What's the least expensive beauty item you've used?
Loreal Mascara it's called Extra Collagen

Do you apply false lashes?
Sometimes not on a day to day basis though

Did you do anything while applying your makeup?
I listened to some music

What's the most time consuming part of your makeup routine?
whether it's liquid,gel or pencil
i can never get both eyes to be even

Colorful or Neutral eyeshadow?

Do you do your hair or makeup first?
Makeup first it's a lot easier with my schedule

How long does it take you to apply makeup?
Well it depends on how much I'm putting on
but usually 20-25 min. at the most

That's my beauty questions tag

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