Sunday, April 11, 2010

Tag: 40 Beauty Questions

1. How many times do you wash your face daily?
Every morning and night (Sometimes when I'm lazy in the morning I use a cleansing wipe and then tone and moisturize (Btw i got that idea from Allthatglitters21) I am not trying to copy her

2. What skin type do you have ?(dry,oily,combo ect)
I have sensitive skin and very rarely is it dry

3. What is your current facial wash?
Noxzema cream original in the blue tub (it's great and cheap)
I also use Laura Mercier

4. Do you exfoliate?
Yes I mostly do it in the summer though

5. What brand do you use?
I have Chanel exfoliator (Which a Youtube guru told me about)

6. What moisturizer do you use?
Yonka Paris Pamplemousse
For Normal to dry skin

7. Do you have freckles?
Yea a ton!
Hopefully they will get lighter as I get older
I don't really like them though

8. Do you use eye cream?
Yes, almost every night
I use mostly Laura Mercier but like to experiment with different eye creams

9. Do you or did you have acne prone skin?
No I never did but might in the future

10. Did you ever use proactive?
Nope, I don't really need to

11. What foundation do you use?
Mac's studio sculpt SPF15

12. What about concealer?
Mac's studio sculpt concealer

13. Do you know your undertone color?
Yes, I do

14. What do you think of Fake Eyelashes?
I like fake eyelashes
I only get my false lashes from Mac though
But i only wear them once in a while they're no good for everyday use

15. Do you know that you are supposed to throw out your mascara every 3 months?
Yes i do know that. Just throw it out and buy a new one. You don't want to get eye infections

16. What brand of mascara do you use?
I use a bunch of different mascaras!
Lash Stiletto, Lash blast, Loreal telescopic, Mac Plus Lash ect.

17. Sephora or MAC?
That's a really hard one
if i really had to choose i would choose Sephora but it's a tie

18. Do you have a Mac Pro card?
Nope, not yet at least

19. What makeup tools do you use in Make Up Application?
Usually Brushes but sometimes cotton balls, cotton swabs + sponges

20. Do you use makeup base/primer for eyes?
Always, Only sometimes Mac's paint pot but usually Urban Decay Primer Potion

21. For the Face?

22. What is you favorite eyeshadow or shade?
I have lots of favorites like
Mac's All that glitters, Satin Taupe and Woodwinked

23. Do you use Pencil or Liquid Liners?
95% of the time Pencil + 5% liquid

24. How often do you poke your eyes with an eyeliner pencil
Not very often, Only when I'm tired

25. What do you think of Pigment Eyeshadows?
I Like them
but i don't use them as much as regular eyeshadows because they're really messy

26. Do you use Mineral Makeup?
Nope but i would like to try!

27. What is your Favorite Lipstick?
Mac's Angel Lipstick

28. What about Lip gloss?
Mac's Underage

29. What is your favorite Blush?
Nars Orgasm and Mac well dressed

30. Do you buy Makeup on Ebay?
Nope it might be used :(

31. Do you buy Drugstore Makeup?
It depends what I'm looking for (whether it's lipgloss eyeshadow ect.)
But sometimes

32. Do you go to CCO'S? (Cosmetic Company Outlets)
Sometimes, when there's some around

33. Did you ever consider taking makeup classes?
No I like to apply my makeup how i like it

34. Are you clumsy when you're putting on makeup?
Sometimes it's usually eyeliner though because I poke my eye a lot

35. Name a makeup crime that you hate?
Too much Lip Liner, Too much Bronzer (ect.)

36. Do you like colorful shades of makeup, or neutral tones?
Well that depends
Mostly Neutrals colors for school
But sometimes Colorful Shades

37. Which celebrity always has great makeup?
Kim Kardashian, Selena Gomez, Lady Gaga ect.

38. If you could leave the house using just ONE makeup item what would it be?
Mascara (or else i would look like a freak lol)

39. Could you ever leave the house without any makeup on?
Yea, But it depends where i go

40. What do you think of makeup?
I personally LOVE makeup!
It's my passion and hobby!

So that's my 40 question tag

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